Take our $20 challenge!

20 dollarsWill you be one of the first 100 people to take our $20 challenge? Your contribution will be matched by SDA’s Past President’s Council, up to $2,000.

You can make an impact, and all it takes is $20 and this form.

SDA’s Past President’s Council (SDAPPC) is thrilled to announce that a $2,000 matching gift has been given to the SDAPPC for scholarships for SDA members to attend EDSymposium15 in October, if we match this gift with 100 additional $20 gifts.  We are reaching out to you and your firms to meet this challenge.

Attendance at EDSymposium is a pivotal moment in the career of many SDA members, the one factor that helps members turn their jobs into careers, resulting in less turnover for their firms, and creating an SDA member for life.

For those of you who have attended an EDSymposium and know the value, who’ve taken that elevator, please send that elevator back down and give a hand up to our newest members and future attendees.

But wait! Your donation is not limited to $20. The more money received, the greater the number of scholarships that can be provided.  So . . . be a leader. Tell your family. And your friends. And your work colleagues. And spread the word throughout your social media. Let’s match that $2K gift!