Employee Termination Done Right – Doing the Job No One Wants to Do

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Terminating an employee is a job no one wants to do, but it’s important that if you do it, you do it well. When done incorrectly, terminations can become your worst nightmare. While it seems like a transactional process, terminating employees is often fraught with emotion. It has negative impacts on the employee being let […]


Teams Teach Back: EDConnect 2022

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SDA Seattle member Eileen Vitelli of Plumbline Operations was awarded a chapter scholarship to attend EDConnect 2022, where she attended presentations and training sessions that focus on the business administration side of A/E/C firms. For her Teach Back, Eileen will recap a few highlights of the sessions from EDConnect 2022, and share her takeaways. She […]

Free – $15.00

MS Word 2-Hour Training Workshop

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Microsoft Word is widely used across the globe, and having good-to-excellent skills is essential!  Being efficient in Word gives your business a competitive edge, helping your organization gain and retain top talent, boosting employee experience, and increasing productivity and profits. As a frequent user of Microsoft Word, we want to reduce the number of "hair-tearing-out" […]

Optimizing the Lifetime Value of Client Project Engagement

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Collaboration & Communication: Optimizing the Lifetime Value of a Client Project Engagement Program Description: In our high-tech, ever-evolving world the speed of change and decision-making is getting faster, the level of competition fiercer, and adversity is striking harder than ever. As the current and future state of our world, it is imperative that teams collaborate […]

$15.00 – $25.00

Microsoft Excel: Must-Have Skills to Boost Productivity and Efficiency

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From office administration and people management to completing payroll and calculating revenue, Microsoft Excel is the standard for professionals in need of a powerful data program. WILD fact: it is estimated 750 million people worldwide use Microsoft Excel. Excel is one of the best applications available on the market for creating spreadsheets to crunch numbers and dashboard […]

$15.00 – $20.00
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