Legal updates affecting WA employers – we need to talk about it

Let’s face it, we’ve spent nearly three years trying to keep up with COVID-related employment law issues.  There have been a number of other federal, state, and local legal developments that apply to Washington state employers over the years.  Keeping informed of changing employment laws is a never-ending task, and this year is no exception! […]

Succeeding at Succession

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Developing a plan for leadership succession is critical for any firm’s future and is a topic worth mastering. When we start thinking about the future of our organizations, succession planning is a big part of ensuring the long-term success of any firm.  Current principals and owners look ahead, recruiting employees who have the potential to take the […]

Teach Back: EDSymposium22

Seattle chapter member EB Meyer was awarded a chapter scholarship to attend EDSymposium22 in Rapid City, SD.  For her Teach Back, she will focus on the breakfast keynote address from Simon Goodhead: Talent, Technology, Timing – what’s around the corner? Most small to mid-sized firms do not have the opportunity to routinely hire a business […]

The Power of Pre-flecting: why goal setting begins with pre-flection

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Hold the date for this year-end educational opportunity! We're excited to have Danielle Kennedy, of Kadima Leadership, as our featured speaker. The end of the year always presents an opportunity to reflect on our past and consider our future. Most of our life is spent living day-to-day … which gets us somewhere, but not necessarily […]

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