5 laws of achievement: work with, not against

downloading futureMember Stacy Rowland, CDFA, shared insight from Bill Truby’s keynote speech during EDSymposium8. He spoke about the 5 laws of achievement (acronym POWER). Here’s an excerpt from Stacy:

Keynote Speaker, Bill Truby, kicked off EDSymposium by reminding us that to be successful, it’s important to understand and work with (rather than against) natural laws.

Bill offered five Laws of Achievement that, if followed and mastered, guarantee attainment of personal and professional goals:

  1. Perspective: Belief determines attitude and behavior. Gather broad perspective and choose your beliefs.
  2. Others: Relationships regulate success. Use connections and boundaries to manage others.
  3. Waymarks: Direction comes from internal response to external behavior. Calibrate by desired outcome using waymarks as input.
  4. Efficiency: Economy of motion saves time and energy. Execute an efficient step-by-step plan.
  5. Renewal: Growth sustains success. Grow in knowledge and nurture.