Tag Archives: vector

Raster? Vector? Say what?

If your repro firm asks you for a raster file, will you know what to send? What if the printer asks you for a vector file?

Leave it to Matt Virkler (knowledge manager at DLR Group) to tell you what you need to know. He presented a webinar for us on the types and uses of imagery.

  • If your printer asks you for a raster file, send over a tiff, jpeg, or bmp file.
  • If your printer asks you for a vector file, send over an ai, svg, or eps file.

SDA member Penny Nelson liked Matt’s “ability to switch into a web browser to show us how to search for images.” Member Lois Diemert said, “Matt’s presentation was exactly the information I was looking for to better understand the basics of working with images.”

Great presentation, Matt; thanks!