Tag Archives: teamwork

5 steps to take when your team gets rough

2137737248_e9f3e429d1_mDo your team meetings get a little dysfunctional, with members’ emotions skyrocketing?     Read Richard E. Boyatzis’ article for five steps on gaining back control.

Harvard Business Review article by Richard E. Boyatzis

Photo credit: lumaxart / Foter / CC BY-SA

Marshmallow Towers

Who knew learning about design charrettes could be so much fun? Presenters Lucas Branham and Pepe Izquierdo, architects with Studio Meng Strazzara, walked us through a hands-on charrette at our February 19 business practice dinner. We broke into teams, trying to design and build the tallest marshmallow structure using only 20 strands of spaghetti, one marshmallow, a length of masking tape, and an even shorter piece of string.

In Round 1, Continue reading