Calling all A/E/C firms and industry partners and vendors. We have annual sponsorships available, and there’s one that should appeal to you. Sponsors receive the perks listed below during the 12 months following payment, for the sponsorship level selected.
SDA is a national network of business professionals who are advancing administrative best practices in architecture, engineering, construction, and related design-industry fields. We provide members the training and resources to think and act as leaders. SDA sustains its presence with the help of sponsorships from within the design industry.
Sponsorships allow SDA Seattle to offer educational events to its members and to the public, support chapter member benefits such as reduced program costs, and provide its members with scholarships to attend the national conventions (EDSymposiums), as well as assistance with CDFA certification exam fees. SDA is a registered 501(c)6 nonprofit organization; as such, sponsorships are not tax-deductible.