Enjoy these pics from local and national events.

Las Vegas convention (2005)

EDSymposium18, Salt Lake City, Utah (May 2018)


BusinessTRAK Workshop came to Seattle for the first time (4/26/16)


2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Melodee Schultz (Houston Chapter)

Chapter Planning Session (1/13/19)

Carol Wanda Spradlin and Stacy Rowland (EDSymposium16)

Social Media seminar (2014)

Installation of 2016-2017 board of directors (5/19/16)

Seattle Chapter Resolution, for hosting the BusinessTRAK Workshop (EDSymposium16)


Welcome Reception (EDSymposium16)

Seattle chapter received Resolution for hosting BusinessTRAK (EDSymposium16)

Group dinner (EDSymposium16)

Ankrom Moisan Architects hosted our 5/19/16 roundtable

Members from Canada (EDSymposiumt16)

Jan. 2018 Seattle chapter business practice dinner

Canstruction (2003)

Welcome Reception, EDSymposium16

Seattle Chapter 2014-2015 board of directors

Chapter member Stacy Rowland

Speaker Matthew Fairfax demonstration with attendee Kurt Wong (Communication Styles, 3/20/17)

Shannon Soady and Stacy Rowland (5/19/16)

Shannon Soady giving her incoming president’s speech (May 2015)


Smale Riverfront Park (EDSymposium16)

Canstruction (2001)

EDSymposium18, Salt Lake City, Utah (May 2018)

Canstruction (2001)

Oktoberfest Event (October 1996)

Our 2015 Chapter Excellence Award

Canstruction (2001)

We achieved Gold level

Attendees at MS Word and Excel Workshop (3/25/17)

EDSymposium18, Salt Lake City, Utah (May 2018)

Canstruction (2003)

Speaker Stephanie Kirschner presenting financial segment of BusinessTRAK (4/26/16)

Amy Nanni (New York) – 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award (October 2015)

Walking Tour group (EDSymposium16)


Group dinner (EDSymposium16)

Board Meeting (2010)

Carol Sanderson congratulates Janet Bucholdt on her Lifetime Achievement Award (EDSymposium16)

Executive Director Stephanie Kirschner upon receiving special recognition from National President Natalie Newman (EDSymposium15)

Group dinner (EDSymposium16)

Stacy Rowland – mistress of ceremonies (EDSymposium16)

Carol’s fun nametag (EDSymposium16)

EDSymposium15 program for the Member Recognition Luncheon

Seattle chapter members (EDSymposium16)

Business practice brown-bag: Are You Exposed? Safe Computing Tactics (January 2016)

SDA National Convention (Denver, 2001)

Carrie Thompson – Seattle Chapter Star Award recipient (EDSymposium15, October 2015)

Incoming President Carrie Thompson (left) presenting gift to outgoing President Shannon Soady (5/19/16)


New Orleans Convention

Kim Tuzinski and Janet Bucholdt, Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter (EDSymposium16)

Generational Jeopardy (2014)

Welcome Reception (EDSymposium16)

EDSymposium18, Salt Lake City, Utah (May 2018)

Canstruction (2001)



Instructor Grace Garland, MS Word and Excel Workshop (3/25/17)

Building Powerful Relationships session (EDSymposium15)

Wine Wednesday (October 2016, Greenlake Ale House)

Stacy Rowland, CDFA, speaker at Jan. 2018 business practice dinner

Speaker Bob Pautke, Leadership Workshop (EDSymposium16)

Business Practice Presentation/Tour: Beyond Ergonomics: Moving From Wellness to Well-being (2/23/16)

Chapter Planning Session (1/13/19)

Smale Riverfront Park (EDSymposium16)

Canstruction (2001)

Carre Thompson (2nd from right), Seattle’s Star Award recipient (EDSymposium18)


Our first ROSE Award, given to Susan Vestal (October 2000)

Canstruction (2001)

Mike Horn (NY) and Carol Wanda Spradlin (Seattle), EDSymposium16

Leadership Workshop (EDSymposium16)

Canstruction (2003)

Sabrina Heard at Smale Riverfront Park (EDSymposium16)

SDA Java Jumpstart (2015)

Canstruction (2001)

Chapter Planning Session (1/13/19)

Minneapolis members (EDSymposium16)

Canstruction (2001)


President Soady introducing BusinessTRAK speakers (4/26/16)

Tour: DLR Group’s Seattle office (2014)

The prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award medal

EDSymposium18, Salt Lake City, Utah (May 2018)

Before the next session starts (EDSyposium15)


E-discovery session (2014)

Canstruction (2000)

Canstruction (2003)

SDA National Annual Meeting, EDSymposium16 (Cincinnati, OH)

EDS16 Pin

Canstruction (2003)

Welcome Reception EDSymposium16

Business Practice Dinner: How to Get Along With Your Business Banker (4/21/16)

After-hours workshop (April 2001)


National Awards ceremony (2014)

National Executive Committee (ExCom), 1998-1999

National Executive Committee (ExCom), 1997-1998

New York members (EDSymposium16)