Check out what people are saying about our chapter!
Being an SDA member means a sense of belonging. When architects and engineers shine through projects, and people like me who are known as support staff often stand behind the curtain, I wanted to join SDA instantly when I found an organization dedicated to administrative staff working in the A/E/C industry. Having attended a few events myself, such as Wine Wednesday, the 50th Year Anniversary celebration for the Seattle Chapter, and the Better Business Book Club roundtable, I knew I belonged here. I look forward to receiving SDA’s weekly report on the General Discussions section, which offers tremendous resources no other organization offers. SDA national webinars conducted by Stephanie Kirschner, CDFA, are invaluable lessons I look forward to applying at my work. We face similar situations, share our experiences to help others, and seek advice. Knowing that there are others like me makes me feel that I have created a strong bond with whom will walk by my side and cheer me on the path to success. A warm, welcome card I received from Judy Beebe, FSDA, upon joining SDA, and an embracing card again from Judy when I participated in the Book Club touched my heart affectionately. I also someday want to be like her, who can pat a future SDA member’s shoulder and say, “You are appreciated.”
What does SDA mean to me? It’s sharing best practices so others can grow their own careers and processes at their respective firms. A group of people with common goals for an organized world!
I love it when I attend an SDA program and learn something that I can put into practice instantly. I recently attended the business practice event, “So . . . what am I looking at?” presented by SDA Seattle members Gretchen Renz and Emily Meyer. I was already really engaged with the program. They are both excellent presenters, and Excel charts are exciting! Then Emily blew my mind by showing us how to use SmartArt. I had no idea such a thing existed. Of course I had to try it out the next day when I got to work. End result: Look at the very cute and effective SmartArt timesheet reminder that I was able to create right in Outlook.
I appreciate and enjoy the webinars, programs, blogs, and newsletter articles that the Seattle chapter shares with its members and interested parties. They have expanded their educational offerings and thus provide more value to all of us using their services. The information is timely and full of useful tips that we need in order to enhance our skills and knowledge. This makes us more valuable to our firms and the industry as a whole. Thank you, SDA; keep up the good work!
Since I have been a member of the SDA Seattle Chapter, I have had a positive experience with peer interaction opportunities presented by the Chapter. Attending various events has given me the opportunity to network with other design firm administrators that I would not have otherwise had ever met. Being able to share thoughts and to ask for (and receive!) feedback on administrative issues that others in the same field are going through has been both empowering and enlightening in my own growth as the business manager of my firm.
Schemata Workshop is excited to have Margaret, our office manager, join as a member. We think SDA offers great opportunities for her to network with other administrators from whom she can learn and share experiences. The continuing education offerings seem rich and will help both Margaret and Schemata Workshop in their professional growth.
Portico is a great newsletter. The content is very relevant for any administrative or marketing professional in the A/E/C industry. I love the tips and tricks and grammar quizzes because many of those are things I can apply immediately. Great job!
I’ve never been much of a joiner, but I decided to dip my toe in the pool and found that the Seattle SDA group is so delightful, I’m really glad I did. While they are very professional, they are also fun and enthusiastic. I now understand why some members have many years with SDA. This is a wonderful organization and I’m excited about being a part of it.
I just watched the members-only webinar recording (on the “Your Digital Library” page) and I am so excited that we have these resources to offer chapter members – they really add value.
Attending the Seattle SDA meetings has been insightful and eye-opening; it’s great to hear what sort of challenges and successes other firms’ administration teams are experiencing. I look forward to learning more about SDA and plan to attend future meetings!
Stacy Walker
Why I Attend SDA Presentations: Besides listening to interesting presentations on a variety of topics that pertain to my industry, I really enjoy getting to spend a few minutes with my SDA peers. It’s great getting to hear a little about what’s going on in other Seattle A&E offices and talk about the various ways we are all dealing with similar challenges.
I earned my CDFA credential in order to boost my own personal professional growth, as well as develop skills in each professional emphasis to serve my firm better. Studying and growing in topics outside of my current realm will allow me to support the other administrators in my firm and the SDA chapter. I highly admire my fellow CDFAs, and observing how they have become experts in their field is an inspiration to me – I want to be like them! This certification [Certified Design Firm Administrator] is also a message to the managing partners in my firm that shows I take pride in my work and this industry, and I want to grow and improve to be the best I can be.