Installation of 2023 Board of Directors and Holiday Social

Studio Meng Strazzara 2001 Western Avenue, Suite 200, Seattle, WA, United States

Hey Seattle chapter members - we’ve worked out the details and it’s going to be a fun evening! Please join us in person for our annual holiday social and installation of the 2023 Board of Directors. We’ll have heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages for you. And ... we've invited a florist to lead us in […]

The Power of Pre-flecting: why goal setting begins with pre-flection

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Hold the date for this year-end educational opportunity! We're excited to have Danielle Kennedy, of Kadima Leadership, as our featured speaker. The end of the year always presents an opportunity to reflect on our past and consider our future. Most of our life is spent living day-to-day … which gets us somewhere, but not necessarily […]

Friday Coffee Connection

Grab your favorite morning beverage and join the conversation. This virtual get-together is hosted by national SDA.     Join SDA

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