Seattle chapter members, you are welcome to attend the chapter board meetings. Just be sure to let President Jessica King, Assoc. AIA, CDFA, know that you plan to attend, so she can send you the access information. You may join from your desk or head on over to MG2's office. This SDA Seattle Chapter Board […]
You know it's a good year when you get the chance to attend another one of Melissa Esquibel's knowledge-sharing webinars at a fantastic price without leaving your office (or home or the coffee shop where you're hooked into wi-fi). We're hosting this 2-hour webinar on Microsoft Outlook, and we're inviting you to join us. Here's […]
National SDA is hosting this webinar. Sales are great, but more companies fail due to poor cash flow than a lack of sales and revenue. Do you feel helpless when it comes to getting your clients to pay their bills on time? Join us for some tips that might make your collections effort less painful. […]
Crowne Plaza Seattle
1113 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States
Impostor Syndrome is a pattern of thinking or belief that you are inadequate and faking it at work and in life. It comes with an anxiety that others will find you out and you will be exposed as the fraud you are. Perfectionism is related to imposter syndrome because when perfectionists have a failure, they […]
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