Parliamentary Procedure 101

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SDA members - here's your chance to learn about (or get refreshed on) parliamentary procedures. This virtual event is hosted by SDA National.   Join SDA

Safety Consultants – Our Secret Weapon for Protecting our People

On any given day, there are countless hazards and accidents waiting to happen on the typical construction site.  Over a lifetime career, a construction worker has a 75% chance of getting a disabling injury due to safety & health hazards. Safety incidents could potentially affect the health & safety of your people, cause budget overages, construction delays, fines, […]

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This webinar his hosted by SDA National. If you are a member of SDA - you'll enjoy the discounted cost to attend this session!   Join SDA

Quick in 30 – EDS22 Tips

Going to EDSymposium22 in Rapid City, SD? National SDA is offering tips and tricks for your travel plans.   Join SDA

Wisdom from the Wardrobe

Your style is a statement to the world about who you are. What do you want to say?  Now, more than ever, many of us are lost on where to start find our authentic, confident, stylish self in an organized, efficient and fun way.  The lasting impression you make is just as important as the […]

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