Friday Coffee Connection

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This virtual coffee break is hosted by SDA National.   Join SDA

Parliamentary Procedure 101

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SDA members - here's your chance to learn about (or get refreshed on) parliamentary procedures. This virtual event is hosted by SDA National.   Join SDA

Safety Consultants – Our Secret Weapon for Protecting our People

On any given day, there are countless hazards and accidents waiting to happen on the typical construction site.  Over a lifetime career, a construction worker has a 75% chance of getting a disabling injury due to safety & health hazards. Safety incidents could potentially affect the health & safety of your people, cause budget overages, construction delays, fines, […]

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This webinar his hosted by SDA National. If you are a member of SDA - you'll enjoy the discounted cost to attend this session!   Join SDA

Quick in 30 – EDS22 Tips

Going to EDSymposium22 in Rapid City, SD? National SDA is offering tips and tricks for your travel plans.   Join SDA

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