Chapter Board Meeting

Your desk and phone

Chapter members - you are welcome to attend our noon-time board meetings. Be sure to RSVP so you get the call-in information and any meeting materials. Please RSVP

Chapter Board Meeting

Your desk and phone

Chapter members - feel free to attend our noon-time board meetings. Be sure to RSVP so you get the call-in information and any meeting materials.

Quarterly Town Hall Call

Your desk and phone

SDA members, don't forget to register for this quarterly call, hosted by National SDA. You'll hear from National executives, as well as what's happening within other chapters. It's free!

EDSymposium20 – Annual Meeting Only

Your desk

Update: SDA National made the wise decision to not hold the large-group EDSymposium20 gathering. Instead, the Annual Meeting will be held virtually. SDA members - you are welcome to join the Annual Meeting on Saturday, just be sure to register!

Chapter Board Meeting

Your desk and phone

Chapter members - you are welcome to attend our noon-time board meetings. Be sure to RSVP so you get the call-in information and any meeting materials.

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