Seattle member EB Meyer was awarded a chapter scholarship to attend EDS24 last June, and she hopped on LinkedIn to spread the word and share her experience at the annual convention.
“Skot Waldron engaged our hearts with an excellent talk on intentionality, Gregory Hart spoke to our business frontal lobes with an AEC market update, and Scott Warrick lit up our amygdalas with offensiveness in the workplace. What a morning!”
She’s not kidding, EDS is always packed with excellent presenters. They inspire and energize us to be more efficient, authentic, and relevant. It’s a whirlwind three days and it goes by so quickly, but the things we learn and the connections we make last for years.
“Wrapping up in #ColoradoSprings! The knowledge sharing from 6 members at the SparkSDA session was incredible. We installed a terrific new executive committee. It’s all about the people.”
We’re glad you were able to attend, EB! Here she is, with other Seattle members.