Conditional formatting, PivotTables, and charts (Excel 2010). Registered attendees will receive information on how to access the webinar a few days prior to the event.
Date / Time: August 12, 2015 / 12:00pm to 1:00pm (Pacific)
The information and the link to access the webinar will be sent to attendees by August 10.
No-shows, and cancellations after 5:00pm on August 10 will not be refunded.
Which option do you select?
- If you are not a member of SDA: Select “Non-member”
- If you are a member of the Seattle chapter: Select “Seattle chapter member”
- If you are a member of any other SDA chapter: Select “SDA Member”
- If you are attending this webinar with the SDA member in your office, you do not need to register. Instead, have your SDA member register (the SDA member gets one connection only, in one physical location).
- If your firm has an SDA member, but you want to attend this webinar at your own desk, select the “Non-member” option.